The Diabetic Association of Bangladesh, in Bangla বাংলাদেশ ডায়াবেটিক সমিতি (বাডাস), Bangladesh Diabetic Somiti (BADAS), was established on 28 February 1956 in Dhaka at the initiative of the late National Professor Dr Mohammad Ibrahim (1911-1989) and a group of social workers, philanthropists, physicians and civil servants. In 1957, the Association started an outpatient clinic in a small semi-permanent structure of about 380 sq. ft. at Segun Bagicha, Dhaka. Over the years, the clinic has turned into a diabetes care and research complex at Shahbag, Dhaka, which, after the demise of Prof (Dr) Md Ibrahim in 1989, has been renamed as the Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Centre. In addition, BADAS has now about 114 health care facilities and more than 500 accredited Diabetes Centres all over the country.