BDGAME STUDIO LTD is a computer game development studio, incorporate in Bangladesh as a private limited company on May 6, 2019. Corporate Office House-78, Road-02, Banani, Dhaka-1213 Ph: 88-02-55040904, 55040906 Fax: 88-02-55040905 Cell: +88 01713997946 Website: Company Details: Company Status: Private Limited Company Year of Establishment: May-2019 Office Address: H- 78, R-02, Block-F, Banani, Dhaka-1213 Company Registration No. C-151685/2019 Trade License No. TRAD/DNCC/026504/2022 TIN No. 355783437187 Authorized Capital 1,00,00,000.00 Managing Director Mushfiqur Rahman Total Employees 20 BDGAME STUDIO LTD is a computer game development studio, incorporate in Bangladesh as a private limited company on May 6, 2019. Authorized Capital of the company is Tk. 1,00,00,000.00 (Taka One Crore) divided into 1,00,000 (One Lac) Ordinary Shares of Tk. 100/- (One Hundred) each. The Company has 2 (two) Directors named ‘Mushfiqur Rahman’ and ‘Md. Moklesur Rahman’. Company will do business as per articles, now the focus of BDGAME Studio Ltd is Computer Game Development. Profile of Key Personnel: Mushfiqur Rahman is a successful entrepreneur and businessman of Bangladesh. He is the son of Md. Moklesur Rahman. He obtained his B.Com from University of Melbourne, Australia in 2014. As Managing Director of the B&T Group, he has diversified his business from the Poles & Cable sector to the Real Estate, Ceramic and IT sector spreading over in home and abroad. He has equity interest in Contech Construction Ltd., Pre-stressed Pole Ltd., B&T Cables Ltd., B&T Meter Ltd., B&T Poles Ltd, B&T Transformer Ltd, B&T Development Ltd, B&T Cold Storage Ltd, Nexus Securities Ltd, Tushar Ceramics Ltd and BDGAME Studio Ltd. He is also Director of South Bangla Agricultural Bank Ltd.
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