Profile of DSE Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. is a registered Public Limited Company. The Exchange was incorporated on April 28, 1954 with the name of ‘The East Pakistan Stock Exchange Association Limited. The Exchange started its formal trading on September 01, 1956. On 23 June 1962 it was renamed as East Pakistan Stock Exchange Ltd. The name of the Stock Exchange was once again changed to Dacca Stock Exchange Ltd. on 14 May 1964. The service on the stock exchange continued uninterrupted until 1971. The trading was suspended during the liberation war and resumed on August 16, 1976. Later the name of the exchange was renamed as Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) in 1982. DSE entered into a technology based era of automated trading system on August 10, 1998. In its continual venture of technological development DSE has paved the easiest way of conducting trade through internet and mobile devices from anywhere in the world. The Exchanges Demutualization Act, 2013 was passed by the Parliament on 29 April 2013. In compliance with the law, DSE became the 26th Demutualized Stock Exchange of the world on November 21, 2013. DSE is the full member of World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) from June 06, 2017. On May 14, 2018, DSE signed a Share Purchase Agreement with the Chinese consortium of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) to sell 25% of DSE’s shares to the consortium to make them strategic partners of the bourse. The SZSE and SSE officially became the strategic partner of Bangladesh’s premier bourse on September 04, 2018. In its 65 years of journey, Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited has made significant contributions to the economy of Bangladesh providing the unique venue to raise capital from the investors. The stock exchange is in a relentless process of modernization and up gradation of its systems and facilities to home in latest technologies. Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. achievement of ISO 9001:2008 on 30th October, 2016. The major functions of DSE are: • Listing of Companies; • Providing the screen based automated trading of listed Securities; • Providing platform to participate in trade through mobile app; • Settlement of trading; • Gifting of share / granting approval to the transaction/transfer of share outside the trading system of the exchange; • Market Administration & Control; • Market Surveillance; • Settlement of disputes; • Monitoring the activities of listed companies and brokerage houses; • Announcement of Price sensitive or other information about listed companies through online.
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