DNCC Dedicated Covid-19 Hospital
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NCC Dedicated COVID-19 Hospital is the only specialized hospital in Bangladesh to provide emergency life-saving health care services to COVID-19 patients of Dhaka City along with all over Bangladesh. It was inaugurated by Honorable Health and Family Welfare Minister Mr. Zahid Malik MP and started functioning on 19 April 2021. We provide services to the positive COVID-19 and suspected COVID-19 cases as an indoor basis. Besides COVID-19 patients management, we provide outdoor service (Medicine, Cardiology & Gynecology), indoor service for Dengue and other infectious diseases. We also provide Covid vaccines by an expert vaccination team. Our dedicated and devoted physicians, nurses and health care professionals are relentlessly working together to ensure standard management during any national crisis like Covid and Dengue. As the largest Dedicated Hospital in the Country, we feel a deep sense of pride and commitment to all those who place their trust in our management and support. Our primary focus is to deliver dedicated care that exceeds national standards in quality, safety and client satisfaction. We look forward to working alongside our community members and patients as partners in health care to ensure a new era of high quality health care services.

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