Hotel Jahan

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Hotel Jahan is located in Tamabil Road of Mirabazar, Sylhet. The hotel offers single, double and deluxe rooms. Some of the rooms contain air conditioner. The rooms are furnished comfortably with large beds, dressing tables, wardrobes, satellite television and seating arrangement. Some of the rooms share a common bath while others have bathrooms en suite. The bathrooms are clean and provide running water. Guests receive free Wifi connection. The electricity runs round the clock with the help of a generator. The hotel offers room service, laundry and dry cleaning facilities, shuttle services and car hire. The premises are guarded strictly with security personnel and car parking space for the guests. About 55 km from the city is the Tamabil-Jaflong. Tourists also visit Sreemangal where the largest tea gardens reside, Lawwachhora rainforest and Madhobkunda.

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