INovex Idea Solution Limited

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INovex Idea Solution Limited is an Information Technology company located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, servicing clients nationwide since 2017. INovex’s strength lies in perceiving the client’s business processes, culture, vision and goals across the industry segments and offering client oriented solutions, which are highly reliable. INovex Idea Solution is not only equipped with a pool of talent where manpower is concerned, but it also has that infrastructure that assists them to achieve their targets efficiently. The company is equipped with the latest hardware and other related peripherals and uses up-to-date software for its efficient functioning. We aim to be the best at what we do. INovex has a dream of evolving into a Global IT Company, ensuring that the solutions being delivered include best practice in IT with the chosen area of technology. - We operate with complete focus to Maximize customer satisfaction. ? - Develop and encourage an environment of mutual respect within company and to clients. Since its inception, the company has been able to prove itself by delivering software in various sectors. We are proud to have built our organization on the strong pillars of integrity, honesty and self-respect. INovex has 50 + Client (Govt., national and multinational enterprises) on company portfolio. Awarded The BASIS National ICT Award 2020, Participated in Final Round of APICTA 20-21.

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