inqube Bangladesh Limited

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Inqube Bangladesh Limited is an organization focussed on application of cutting- edge technologies and knowledge solutions to solve common man’s problems - and giving them access to the best. Inqube has a vision that aims at integrating and harnessing the best of TECHNOLOGY, the predictive prowess of ANALYTICS and the functionality of DESIGN in crafting innovation-led digital transformation and knowledge solutions that would touch the common man’s quest for a qualitative life by giving them equal opportunity access to health, education, agriculture and livelihood. Inqube is headquartered in London, UK; with subsidiary organizations in Peru and Bangladesh and technology development team based in India. Inqube also has associated companies in India, Kenya and Congo for exploring suitable opportunities in these countries. Inqube has in-house capability in cutting-edge Technology, Analytics and Design solutions. Inqube works as service providers for large corporates in technology and knowledge process services – as well as supports start-ups in sectors related to health, education, agriculture and livelihood with technology incubation support.

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