Introduction: Platinum Communications Ltd a Bangladeshi private limited company duly incorporated under the corporate Act 1994 having its Registered Office at 82, Mohakhali, Dhaka?1212, Bangladesh and Certification of Incorporation No C?97303/11 dated 28th day of November 2011 has been issued with a license by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) vide BTRC/LL/IGW(19)platinum/2012-19 dated 12? 04?2012. Subsequently, the company has entered into agreement with Access Network Service (ANS), Internet Protocol Telephony Service Providers (IPTSP) & Public Switch Telephony Network (PSTN) operators and also with IGW Operator Switch IOS (s) operators in Bangladesh to commercially commence its operations for exchange of international incoming and outgoing voice traffic among them. The Company commenced its commercial operations on 6th December, 2012 and since is engaged in providing international voice gateway (IGW) services in Bangladesh. Platinum Communications Ltd is an energetic, reliable international gateway service provider backed by seasoned professionals with promises to revolutionize voice technology by originating voice traffic to & from Bangladesh using Next Generation Network (NGN) Technology. Since its inception, Platinum Communications Ltd is a customer satisfaction oriented and quality service focused company that still holds its fort. With a carefully designed network topology and globally acclaimed brands building up our network and billing infrastructure, we strive to reach astounding heights by providing the best quality service. As an IGW (International Gateway) license holder, Platinum Communications Ltd offers wholesale voice business globally and (Caller Line Identification) CLI termination into Bangladesh. Platinum has partnership with globally renowned telecom operators to put a bigger footprint in the global voice communication by carrying A to Z traffic. Background History During its inception, like other IGW operators of Bangladesh, it used to follow the then (International Long Distance Telecommunication Services (ILDTS) policy where it was connected to all Interconnection Exchanges (ICXs) towards downstream and through them to all ANSs i.e. to all mobile and PSTN operators of Bangladesh. On the other hand, it was directly connected to many international tier-1 carriers towards upstream such as TATA, Bharti, Telecom Malaysia, Vodafone, Singtel etc. International carriers used to terminate international incoming voice traffic through Platinum Communication and side by side Platinum Communication used to pass international outgoing traffic originated from Bangladeshi mobile and PSTN operators through them. During this regime, bulk of revenue used come from foreign companies for international incoming voice traffic and from ANSs operators for international outgoing traffic. In 2015, ILDTS policy was changed by a directives from BTRC whereas all active IGWs were grouped into two tiers and created a forum consisting of all IGW operators called IGW Operators Forum (IOF) to administer them. Seven (07) IGWs composing Tier-2 IGWs were made responsible to be only connected with all ICXs than to ANS operator’s thereby made those only authorities to be able to terminate all international incoming traffic inside Bangladesh. Whereas other fifteen (15) IGWs forming tier-1 IGWs were compelled to terminate international incoming traffic through tier-2 IGWs. This proved to be a successful model by which traffic flow to and from Bangladesh were effectively and efficiently controlled and stabilized. Besides changing the network topology it had also modified the financial model where all IGWs were compelled to pay 60% of respective revenue share to IOF Operators Switches (IOSs) and 35% share of revenue directly to BTRC and rest 5% revenue to VoIP Service Providers (VSPs). This 60% of revenue share includes share of ANSs, ICXs and IGW’s own profit. IOF ensures payment of respective ANSs and ICXs from that fund and accumulate all IGW’s share into Revenue Sharing Pool (RSP). At the end of months, these RSPs are distributed to all IGWs at a ratio of 1.9: 1 respectively tier-2: tier-1. These created a second cash flow for all IGWs beside revenue from direct sales to upstream. How IGW Works As per ILDTS policy and IGW licensing guideline, any international voice call either terminated or originated to/from to Bangladeshi mobile or PSTN operators must pass through IGW switches. The product that an IGW sells to upstream foreign carriers is ‘Call Minutes’ or ‘Routes’. IGWs can have any amount of ‘Call Minutes’ or ‘Routes’ basing on their Bank Guarantee (BG) placed to IOSs. IOSs will allow to terminate any amount of international incoming voice traffic so long BG amount is not exhausted. BG amount is calculated @USD 0.02/call minutes. Below network topology shows how a IGW operation takes place:
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