Puthia Temple Complex
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Puthia is a culturally rich sub-district (Upazila) of the Rajshahi District in Bangladesh. The largest number ofhistorically significant Hindu structures in Bangladesh is found in Puthia. Many of these structures are well preservedand Puthia is an interesting area for tourists to explore and gain insight into the history and culture of Bangladesh.

In the late 16th century during the Mughal period in the Indian sub-continent, Man Singh, a trusted general of theMughal emperor Akbar, was sent to Bengal to suppress the rebel Subeders (governors) of this region who wereplanning a rebellion against the Mughal emperor. Man Singh easily suppressed the revolt by consulting a HinduTantrik (holy man) named Bhattacharya. After his victory, Man Singh requested Bhattacharya to take charge of a large area in Rajshahi state named Laskarpurwhich he refused. But his young son Pitambar expressed his willingness to accept the offer advised by his mother. Sohe was appointed as landlord of Laskarpur, made Puthia his capital, and became the founder of the Puthia royalfamily.

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